Feb 282013

mhChair of the Board …a historian and ethnologist, has finished her studies at the Humboldt-University Berlin in 2010. Her focuspoints were biography research, ethnological urban research as well as history and reprocessing of the GDR. Since her collaboration at the Forum Applied History in Frankfurt (Oder) in 2011 she has been active at the Institute for Applied History. She coordinated the project “Achtung Dorfreporter! Geschichte selbstgemacht. Die 1990er Jahre am Stadtrand von Berlin” in 2011. This history workshop for hichschool students focussed on the processes of transformation in a willage in Brandenburg that was close to the Berlin Wall. E-Mail: m.hiebsch[at]instytut.net Projects: Achtung Dorfreporter! Geschichte selbstgemacht Vernetzungstreffen “Geschichte für alle! Netzwerk Historisches Lernen”