Feb 282013

tk… has studien cultural sciences in Frankfurt(Oder), Wroclaw and Krakow and focusses on the topics of contemporary- and cultural history in Central and Eastern Europe. He is doing research on methods of reduction of complexity and didactics of history at the Institute of Applied History. Another focus is the history of the GDR and media. He is working as a journalist for the Radio Broadcast Berlin Brandenburg. His features are mostly about topics in the fields of history and culture in Berlin, Brandenburg, Poland and Eastern Europe. He also gives guieded tours in museums and in the city, works as a rechercheur, writer and film-maker. Mail: t.koehler[at]instytut.net Tel.: 030 54465150 Projects Animation film “Der König und der Müller” Animation film “Foxy Future” – Die Landesverfassung Brandenburgs Eastern Allstars Halbzeitkonferenz Vernetzungstreffen Projektträger EM 2012