Mar 212013

Die 1. Auflage von Faltplan und Broschüre "Geschichte für alle!" war innerhalb weniger Wochen vergriffen.German-polish city map and broshure guiding through the history of Frankfurt(Oder) and Slubice

Available at any involved institution free of charge

About 25 museums, associations and initatives from Frankfrut and Slubice have gathered last year, initiated by the Institute for Applied History, to create a map and a broshure containing information about their programmes and offers. The publication also includes less known prorgammes like organized walks through the cities, project with contemporary witnesses and public lectures of german and polish initiatives.

The Europe-University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) is represented with activities focusing on reactivating the Way of St. James (Camino de Santiago) and the weekly Eastern European Colloquium.The map also gives insight into the diverse history of the main building and the Auditorium Maximum of the university.

Starting point of this project at the Institute for Applied History was the discovrey, that it is difficult to get a good picture of the history of Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice. The broshure also sais: “Many of the historical places have vanished, have been destroyed or just forgotten. The city doesn´t explain itself. We have to rely on the knowledge in expositions and chronicals, the impressions from interviews with witnesses, lectures and information in audioguides and on the internet.”

Tha map and the broshure are available in many of the institutions listed: Museum Viadrina, Kleist-Museum, Tourist information, City Library, Europe-University Viadrina (press office), Library of the Collegium Polonicum.


Stadtplan “Geschichte für alle!” (pdf)
Broschüre “Geschichte für alle!” (pdf)

The project was funded by the federal Programme “Supporting Tolerance – strenghtening competence” of the Federal Ministry of Family, Seniors, Women and Youth.