Jan 282013

Cover Transit | TransferTransit | Transfer. Politics and practice of immigration in the GDR 1945-1990

essay collection

Migration in the GDR often means the emmigration of about five million people, who moved to the West between 1945 and 1961 or who have escaped or attempted excape over the inner-german border after the Wall was erected. The fact that many people were trying, sometimes in vain, to find education and work, security and solidarity there, is less known.

This volume sheds light over the experiences of different groups: germen remigrants and vietnamese workers, the displaced and the escaped exiles. From the perspective of the migration politics, one gets a differenciated picture about the expectations and the reality of state socialism, where immigration was seen as a transition but the long-term transfer couldn´t be prevented.

With contributions from Aurélie Denoyer, Alexander Goller, Jessika Haack, Laura Amélie Haber, Maria Klessmann, Jürgen Mense, Anja Mohnke, Regine Otto, Claudia Schneider, Mirjam Schulz and Anja Strnad.


ISBN 978-3-937233-87-1
304 Pages, 20 Images

Price 24.95 €

The volume can be purchased at the be.bra publishing house or in stores.