Feb 282013


Contact m.abraham[at]instytut.net

Makom Tov – The Jewish cemetery in Slubice
Almanach Terra Transoderana
HeimatReise – Individual travelguide to Poland
German-Polish Learning Sites

After her studies in philosophy, sociology and german in Toruń she has moved to the Oder. She is a free collaborateur in the projects of the Insitute and since May this year, she engages once more as an active member of the board. She concentrates her work on issues of regional identity in the western regions of poland, jewish traces in the region and in Słubice, as well as the history of cinema in the german-polish border region. She works at the HeimatReise company in Frankfurt (Oder) and on her PhD at the Willy Brandt Centre in Wrocław. The topic of her dissertation is the Regional History of Cinema in the German-Polish Border Region between 1945-1989.

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