Feb 282013

Bewerbungsbild geeignet zum Drucken bei 300 dpi…has studied cultural sciences in Frankfurt(Oder) and Wroclaw, Poland after her european voluntary service in France. Meanwhile she was active in the cultural field of te german-polish bordar region and has coordinated the festival unithea. After her studies, she has worked on the development of the project Heimatreise, that coninues to work as a company. She has been an active member of the board of the Institute for Applied History for two years. She has been also involved in the scientific working group for applied history and has coordinated the Forum Applied History in 2011 together with Juliane Tomann. In her worklife, she also concentrates on forms of culture and history. She is working on her PhD about regional Truth commission in Post-Yugoslavia at the University of Regensburg. E-Mail: j.niesser[at]instytut.net Projects Spring School Zagreb: European cultures of Remembrance Forum Applied History Heimatreise – Individual Travel Guide