Jun 062017
Deadline for Application: June 11th, 2017

Deadline for Application: June 11th, 2017

“Entangled History as a perspective for non-formal education” is a series of events consisting of a training for youth workers (03.-08.07.2017) and an international youth meeting (January 2018). During the training 18 youth workers from Germany, Poland and Ukraine will meet in order to develop and modify methods for the historical and civic non-formal education viewed in the context of a growing diversity in our societies.

The Holocaust as a focal point will be examined from multiple perspectives which will allow to draw conclusions on marginalized groups and discrimination in our societies nowadays. The project aims also at the promotion of tolerance and critical thinking as well as raising awareness towards diversity and against discrimination.



Call for Application

Multipliers of youth work (18 years upwards) living in Germany, Poland and Ukraine who are
interested in editing and developing methods in the field of Holocaust education with an
entangled historical approach. Participants should be committed to international cooperation
or be active in youth meetings, citizenship education or related fields of work with young
Since the training is going to be held in English, an advanced level of English is required.
Please apply individually by June 11th 2017 (please see application information below).

“Entangled History as a perspective for non-formal education” is a series of events consisting
of a training for youth workers (03.-08.07.2017) and an international youth meeting (January
2018). During the training 18 youth workers from Germany, Poland and Ukraine will meet in
order to develop and modify methods for the historical and civic non-formal education viewed
in the context of a growing diversity in our societies. Due to globalization and migration our
societies in Europe become more and more diverse. The field of non-formal education must
take this challenge and needs to integrate this diversity into its project formats. Old narratives
need to be analyzed and challenged and multiple perspectives on historical events have to
be included.
The Holocaust as a focal point will be examined from multiple perspectives which will allow to
draw conclusions on marginalized groups and discrimination in our current societies. Further
goals of the project are the promotion of tolerance, giving an impulse to critical thinking as
well as raising awareness towards diversity and against discrimination.
During the training participants develop and modify methods that can be applied in the
following international youth meeting as well as in the every day work of the youth workers.

All methods will be published in a handbook and on a project blog.

Objective of the project is editing methods of Holocaust education in order to publish them in
the handbook that is available on a project blog. The handbook has been created in 2016 as
a result of a first training of “Entangled History”. New methods shall be added with a focus on
the topic of the Holocaust. Ideally the participants have some knowledge about methods of
non-formal education and contribute to the training by bringing in their own methods for
modification. Participants should be aware of the fact, that their participation in the training
might require some time after the training as well. Participants get the chance to write down
their methods, individually or in small groups, and to publish them in the handbook.

* Lectures and discussion forums on entangled history, cultures of remembering as well as
Holocaust education in Germany, Poland and Ukraine
* Workshops including learning methods with an entangled historical approach
* Workshops in order to develop and modify methods for the historical and civic non-formal
* Guided tours in the memorial sight of Krzyżowa and the Muzeum Gross-Rosen
* Presentations by participants about their own field of work and methods

International Youth Meeting Centre Krzyżowa
Krzyżowa 7
PL- 58-112 Grodziszcze
Tel: 00 48 74 85 00 300
00 48 74 85 00 200
Fax: 00 48 74 85 00 305
Organizers will provide a shuttle bus from Wrocław main station to Krzyżowa.

Please fill out the online application form https://www.kreisau.de/index.php?id=190


– Participation fee (covers accommodation, full board and all programme activities)
Participants from Germany: 90 EUR / Poland: 50 EUR / Ukraine: 30 EUR
– Travel costs: For participants from Germany and Poland can be reimbursed up to
180 EUR per person/ for participants from Ukraine up to 275 EUR per person of
economy class travel costs. Therefore please keep all tickets and receipts you will get
during your journey. After the meeting make sure to send all original documents to
the following address:
Kreisau-Initiative e.V.
Carolin Wenzel
c/o Allianz
An den Treptowers 3
DE-12435 Berlin
We reimburse your costs by transfer to your bank account after receiving all original

Ms Carolin Wenzel Ms Merle Schmidt
Kreisau-Initiative e.V. Foundation Krzyżowa
E-Mail: wenzel@kreisau.de E-Mail: merle@krzyzowa.org.pl
Phone: +49 (0)30 53836363 Phone: +48 (74) 85 00 310

Poland: Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe, Museum Gross-Rosen
Ukraine: ChangeLog Foundation, Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies
Germany: Kreisau-Initiative e.V., Institute for Applied History/Frankfurt/Oder