Apr 292015

1 Foto App

App – “History Without Borders!” for the German-Polish twin city of Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice, portraying places, initiatives and media of local history.

A mobile guide for your smartphone and tablet pc with an uncomplicated menu and card function, displaying 36 historic places with texts and pictures. Available in German, Polish and English.

In order to display the app-icon on your mobile device (Android or Apple-iOS, optimized for Chrome, Safari and Firefox browsers), please follow this instruction: Load the website in your browser window, then go to the context menu and click „add to the home screen“. The icon will appear on your screen.



Address: http://app.veranstaltungen-ohne-grenzen.de

Idea | Concept | Organization: Mike Plitt and Tim Köhler 
Programming: Firat Ünalan
Graphic design: die superpixel

A project by the Institute for Applied History – Society and Science in Dialogue.

Funded by: Frankfurt-Słubicer Kooperationszentrum and Messe- und Veranstaltung GmbH Frankfurt (Oder).
